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Basic Fall Arrest

– US229998 –

Who should attend:

Any person working on an elevated position, using a portable or fixed structure to gain access at height, and where a rescue can be performed efficiently by other rescue-trained personnel, for example: telecommunications, utilities (Eskom power lines), construction work and mining.

Any person working on an elevated position, using a portable or fixed structure to gain access at height, and where a rescue can be performed efficiently by other rescue-trained personnel, for example: telecommunications, utilities (Eskom power lines), construction work and mining.

Entry Requirements:

  • Original certified copy of identification document/passport (driver’s licenses are not accepted).
  • Be in possession of a valid medical fitness certificate.
  • Learners must have basic numeric literacy and be able to understand, read and write English (special needs candidates can be accommodated on request).

Price per Person:

R 1 190. 00 (incl. VAT)


Days: 1 (including pre-reading pack)

Candidates Allowed per Group:

Minimum: 8
Maximum: 12

*Please communicate preferred group sizes to the relevant bookings personnel as some clients may require smaller groups. Please be aware that smaller group sizes may affect your course price.

Course Specifics:

US229998 – Explain and perform fall arrest techniques when working at height.
NQF Level 1
Credits: 2

Certificate is valid for 3 years.

Designation: Basic Fall Arrest Technician.


Theoretical Knowledge:

  1. Introduction to work at height.
  2. Work at height definitions.
  3. Legislation regarding work at height.
  4. Understanding on-site risk assessments.
  5. Appropriate equipment care and pre-use climbing inspection methods.
  6. Identification and use of climbing equipment.
  7. Limitations of climbing equipment.
  8. Limitations of safe anchoring points.
  9. Understanding the advantages of a “buddy system”.
  10. Basic knowledge of vertical and horizontal lifelines.
  11. Understanding minimum free space areas.
  12. Understanding fall factors.
  13. Understanding the use of various fall arrest knots.
  14. Understanding suspension trauma.
  15. Understanding the “buddy rescue”.
  16. Basic knowledge of Gravity vertical and horizontal lifelines.
  17. Basic knowledge of how to carry tools at height.

Practical Skills:

  1. Assemble a basic fall arrest kit.
  2. Perform pre-use climbing equipment inspections.
  3. Rope coiling/bagging.
  4. electing safe anchoring points.
  5. Implement the “buddy system”.
  6. Using a work restraint system.
  7. Securing a work positioning system.
  8. Movement using a shock absorbing lanyard.
  9. Movement using a retractable lanyard.
  10. Working on fragile rooftop surfaces.
  11. Using temporary vertical and horizontal lifelines.
  12. Managing minimum free space.
  13. Managing fall factors.
  14. Managing suspension trauma.
  15. Pre -use check and use of Gravity Vertical System.
  16. Pre-use check and use of the Gravity Horizontal lifeline.
  17. Basic skills of tool management on how to carry tools at height and use of a basic 1:1 system.


  1. All training will be done in accordance with local and international best practices as well as local acts and regulations. After successful completion of this course he/she will be found competent as per Occupational Health and Safety act 85 of 1993 Construction Regulations 1.
  2. All Basic Fall Arrest Technicians must work under competent supervision as per site/task requirement, ensuring a fall arrest rescue can be performed at any time as per Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 Construction Regulations 10.2 (e).
  3. Gravity Training cannot be held responsible for any unsafe and unlawful acts or behaviour as it is the duty of the technician to ensure his/her own safety and the safety of others on the worksite.
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